Dear friends,
It was great to hear from so many of you during the holiday season! Our plan was to hold off sending our cards & letters until after the season, to show that the holiday spirit and friendship lasts throughout the year. .(0K.... .You know the truth, but just play along with us. As time slipped by, we realized that we could save postage if we waited awhile and killed two birds with one stone. Of course we decided this the Christmas before Emily was born five years ago and now postage has gone up six times.)
As you can tell by the enclosed, our second daughter, Sarabeth Emery Willis was born ~ 2 or 3 weeks ago. At 7:15 Thursday (bowling night) the 18th of March, God gave us an eight pound one ounce keeper. She's a good looking girl with a little bit of brunette hair and Mom's sophisticated features. Our first daughter, Emily Ann is now five years old with blonde hair.( "It won't stay blonde." - Jane's quote! ) Emily has the Willis sense of performance and sings, takes dance class, and right now wants to organize and teach an aerobics class for the neighborhood. Her famous quote is, "It's better to be healthy than have a clean house." She should get plenty of folks to sign up with that philosophy! Emily is a special blend of sensitivity and is adjusting to her new role as "big sister."
Jane has completed her masters and continues to work at the IU Med Center. Yes, it really has been fifteen years already. She has been a nurse in the Surgical ICU, the Unit Director, and is now the Staff Development Coordinator for the Critical Care Units. Perhaps this maternity leave will make it possible to return to a few hobbies and things like catching up the photo albums etc. (Wayne's quote "Don ' t bet on it.")
Wayne (me) has had a strange couple of years, rebuilding my company from a total loss fire. Other than that, I'm still bowling and cutting grass and fixing leaks and all those other typical suburban things. I'm happy.
Yes, he is a big dog. About 130 pounds of lovable puppy. His name is Rocky and he's just a regular part of the family. There are some things that take a little getting used to with such a big animal around the house, but it's worth it. I haven't seen a copy of "The Watchtower" since we 've owned him.
We really don't have much else to tell you. To sum it all up, things are good, and we're happy. Please don't be insulted by the fact we never write or send Christmas cards. We buy with good intentions each year but something always happens to prevent us from sending them. Like no one writes them for us.
I'm sending one of these letters to my parents, and most of what I wrote will be news to them. (Yes Mom, I'm married! ) We really enjoyed your cards this year and they brought back a lot of great memories of a lot of great friends. We're still sitting here in the middle of the country just waiting for visitors, so call when you're in the area. Until next Christmas or next baby, love to you all.