Dear friends,

 This will be rather short, since it's only been six months since our last Christmas letter. We're getting better. The goal next year will be to get this fabulous packet of exciting information to you before December 25th. We've set our goals high, but I think we can reach them.

 I guess I'll start by telling you, in typical Christmas letter verbiage, about the girls. They're wonderful, sweet, charming little ladies that make every day of our life seem like a slice of heaven.......Actually, they're probably a lot like your kids. Emily is in kindergarten now and seems to love it. Every day she learns something new, and brings home two pounds of paper to prove it. We need a larger refrigerator. She's doing real well and growing up very quickly. Sarabeth is now nine months old and starting to talk. She can say "Father, what a strong and handsome man you are!" Actually, she says "DA-DA", but at this age a little interpretation is necessary to fully understand the content. She is in the process of growing four teeth and learning to crawl at the same time. It's nice because you can track her down by following the trail of drool throughout the house. She's cute, she's fun and she's always happy.

 As you can see from the photo, Rocky is still around. He has yet to grasp the finer points of poising for a family portrait, but he does seem to bring out a more natural look to the photo.

 Jane and I are fine. Still working every day at the same places and for the most part enjoying it. Playing mom and dad the rest of the time and enjoying it. Things are good and we're happy. That's about all I have to say, but I'll let Jane write the last paragraph and express some real nice and sincere Christmas wishes.

 As Wayne's note reflects, we have had a most special year!  We hope life has been good to you and yours---and that we can continue to stay in touch.