January 12, 2000
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I just finished reading the last 7 installments of this continuing saga known as the Willis Christmas letter. I had to get myself pumped up a little bit. I have to be in the right frame of mind to paint the story of a year in our life with mere computer and printer. It’s really kinda neat to look back at the past and realize how much we have grown as a family. Why, when I first started these letters, all I could write about was boring everyday activities, like soccer and school functions. But now ……well……… never mind. Hold on, here we go!
Soccer. There, I said it. I promise that I won’t mention it as much as in years past, but it was the first thing that I saw on the calendar when I opened it up to January. The only strange thing is that it was not for Emily or Sarabeth. It was for me! I started playing indoor soccer on Monday nights. Fun, but really an eye opener. I found out that all those years of sucking in my gut so that I looked almost in shape might have fooled my brain, but didn’t fool the rest of my body. The first night, I was out on the field, hustling and running and kicking and doing all that soccer stuff. I hadn’t scored, but no one had scored on me either. Every muscle in my body was burning; I was sweating profusely and gasping for breath. I needed a well-deserved break. As I raised my hand to signal for my sub, I glanced at the clock. My heart sank. Two minutes! I had only been playing for two minutes! I stuck it out for another 60 seconds so that I wouldn’t be as embarrassed as I limped to the bench. I’m still playing and am doing better. I can make it up to four minutes now. Emily had her 11th birthday on the 29th and we didn’t get her a pony.
For the first time in years, something happened in February. Emily and I went on a ski trip with the church group. A first for both of us. We really enjoyed it and set our goals high for this year’s trip. We are going to learn to turn and to stop. I think it will make the adventure even more fun for us and those around us.
This was a pretty fun month. The first thing that I noticed was that Jane had noted on the calendar the day the “Ritter’s Frozen Yogurt” store opened for the season. I think she needs a good 12-step program. Sarabeth turned 6 on the 18th. It’s not really all that important to you that the date is the 18th, I just like watching the computer turn the “th” to a “th” when I type it in after a number. Anyway, this is when the year-round school comes in handy. The girl’s spring break lasted for a month, and we spent a week in Gulf Shores, AL. We beat the crowds and got great rates. The place was beautiful, and I would recommend it to everyone, although maybe later in the season. The ocean still had small icebergs in it, but the pool was warm, and we had a good time. If I remember correctly, we then came home and ate a lot of frozen yogurt until school started again, especially on the 26th. (Did it again.)
We finished the indoor season, three leagues, last month. That sport that we all play is in full outdoor mode now. Two practices a week and a couple of games on the weekends. I’m still playing indoor, because the field is much smaller and I don’t have to run as far. Of course with outdoor, when you get tired you can kick the ball out of bounds and walk very slowly after it. Maybe I should try outdoor.
Jane left the kids and me. She just left. She says she told me about her conference in New Orleans, but I don’t think she really did. Anyway, she went to New Orleans, was wined and dined for a week and I had to take care of the girls. She ate fancy French cuisine and drank Dom Perignon, while we ate McDonalds and drank box juices. She eventually came home and we all went to Ritters. And of course the other big event in May, Rocky’s birthday. May the 16th, Rocky turned 10. As I’m sure you noticed, he is featured prominently in this years family photo. Ten is pretty old for that size of a dog, and he is starting to act his age. He’s a little slow getting off the couch when you ask him. His joints may stiffen up a little after lying there for awhile, or maybe he can’t hear my request as well as he once did. Or maybe he has finally realized that he is bigger than I am, and he will lie anywhere he pleases for as long as he pleases and I can’t do a dang thing about it. As I am sure you know though, we still give him his heart worm medicine each month on the 20th, a tradition since 1994.
June was an OK month. The girls were a bit anxious, since a lot of their neighborhood friends were getting out of school and they still had another month, but they are starting to get used to it. It is a bit tough to get off the school bus and see your friends getting home from the swimming pool. I spent a few days in Columbus, OH early in the month for business. It was nice seeing Marky, Gary and Erik, even if it was in Columbus, OH. I got back just in time for a soccer tournament and then another two weeks later. Finally, the last day of school arrived and we started an official family vacation the last week of the month ending with the July 4th weekend. Stay tuned for more!!
This vacation was built around Emily's trip to camp. Em and a soccer friend were going to Camp Miniwacca, in Northern Michigan for two weeks. We decided to go up early, enjoy the area for a few days and then head for home, minus one daughter. This camp is located on Lake Michigan near a little resort area known as Silver Lake. The big attraction is the sand dunes between Silver Lake and Lake Michigan. Really neat, really scenic. Really a magnet for a certain group of people. You know those guys that drive the 12 foot tall 4X4 pickups with the rebel flags and the decal on the rear window that shows a kid taking a leak on a Ford or Chevy logo, or maybe the number 24? Well, I now know where they all go for vacation. I promise you we had the only vehicle in the county without a 20-foot tall fluorescent orange flag attached to our bumper. And I probably had the only wife without a tattoo! They were a fun group though and we look forward partying we them this year when Emily goes back. Shoot, maybe I can talk Jane into that tattoo by then.
We did learn a new family sport while we were there. Go cart racing. For the small price of all the money in your wallet, they let you all get in cars and pretend you are Jeff Gordon or some other NASCAR driver. With Sarabeth by my side, we took off after Emily, who was in front of us only because she ran faster than us to claim her vehicle. After a number of laps, I’m ready to make my move. Em gets a little high in the turn, and I shoot to the inside. The next thing I know, Sara and I are sliding backwards. Some idiot clipped us in the rear. Just as I am starting to teach my daughter some unique racing hand gestures, she uses one of her own. She waves to her mom, the former idiot, for now on to be known as an aggressive racing professional, that sent us spinning. The girls eventually let me win one.
Two weeks later I drove back up there to pick Emily up. I got to stop in Holland, MI and met up with my old college janitor buddy Doug. We sat in a restaurant drinking iced tea for two hours and talking about a lot of you. We decided that was fun and then did some plotting to set up a time to do it again. More on that in October.
At the end of the month I played in my MSPA golf outing. I won a trophy for 2nd low gross. The guy that won it shot a 69. It wasn't even close.
The girls started the new school year on the second. Emily in 6th and Sarabeth in 1st grade. And soccer practice started again. Three times a week to get ready for the fall season. Now I remember why I liked July so much. We finished August in Wisconsin at a soccer tournament. It was a beautiful city and a really fun weekend. Of course after driving through Chicago, even Columbus, OH would seem nice.
Started the month with a soccer tournament. Who cares. But the next weekend was fun! We went to Louisville for a poetry reading. Hey I'm not kidding! My sister Teresa is a poet of outstanding quality, who happened to be in Louisville promoting her new book! So there. Anyway, she honored me by letting me introduce her. Now I can assure you that I've never been to a poetry reading before and I had no idea what to expect. I envisioned beatniks and bongo drums. I was sure it would be in black and white. She was great and I would highly recommend that you attend the next poetry reading she does in your neighborhood. And buy her book. And we then spent the rest of the month doing a bunch of other stuff.
This was fun. I went to Las Vegas for the first time. Business trip. No really, it was a business trip. Big international screen printing show. Work work work! I’ll admit that during the evenings I had to keep watch over a few co-workers, making sure that they stayed out of trouble. It was tough, but I’m a company man. You’d be amazed at some of the venues they visited, all in pursuit of “a good time”. I kept them in line and even managed some private time for thoughtful reflection and meditation on my own and I came to the conclusion that I want go back. As soon as possible. Next years letter will tell you about the trip Jane and I took to Las Vegas. I can’t wait to dazzle her with my gambling skills. “Put your money in here a little at a time, until it’s gone. Then go get some more and start over” I use the lather, rinse, repeat method of gambling.
I got home from Vegas at 6am Sunday morning. Crashed for a couple of hours and then met for brunch with a few members of the IU Custodial II Club. Remember? I mentioned it back in July. Anyway, Doug got in touch with Sue who got in touch with all these great people that came together once upon a time in Bloomington to wax dorm room floors and clean toilets during summer break. Everybody except me, since I was busy in Vegas, came together again that Saturday night in Indy. That Sunday morning, Doug and Sue and assorted spouses sat around the Perkins Pancake house with Jane and me telling old stories and a few new ones. It should become at least a semi-regular event.
We finished with vacation time the last week of the month. The girls started another three weeks of time off from school. We headed back down to Brown County for a few days. Did the usual hiking, horseback riding and shopping. The weather was fantastic and the leaves were typical southern Indiana beautiful. I went to Louisville for a day of fun. Dave and I ended up on the golf course instead. I realized that the last time I played was the weekend before the fall soccer season started. I didn’t win anything
Halloween came at the end of the month here in Hoosierland. Emily went to a party, since she says she is too old to “Trick or Treat” now. A boy / girl party. I tried to remember myself at that age. After a while, it started to come back to me. I realize now how much my life is about to change. Next years letter could be more like a manifesto. At least Sarabeth was content to walk around the neighborhood dressed like a six year old Britney Spears, which doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to me.
The girls are out of school for another two weeks, but they didn’t do anything worth writing about. Thanksgiving was at my brother Bob’s house in Cincinnati. We had a good time, ate a lot, and drove home. The next evening I went to Louisville for Dad’s 80th birthday party. Happy Birthday Dad! I had a good time, ate a lot, and drove home.
Nothing to say about December, except Christmas. I love Christmas and everything associated with it. It’s the busiest time of the year, but can be the most relaxing if you let the message sink all the way into your heart. I sat around Christmas morning, looking at Jane and the girls sitting in the living room surrounded by wrapping paper and gifts, and all I saw was a family that made me happy and proud and glad to be me. I must admit that I also noticed a real nice digital camera too.
We survived and I’ll tell you more next year. Just wanted to say how much we enjoyed seeing a lot of our old friends during the year. To those that we didn’t make connections with in 1999, we miss you all and hope this Holiday Propaganda Packet makes you giggle a little and remember a few of the good times from years past. Thinking about you as we address the envelopes and steal our daughters’ allowance for postage.
Wayne, Jane, Emily, and Sarabeth
HINT ® 317-299-6764 ANOTHER HINT ® excelwcw@aol.com